
We seek to be a community committed to following Jesus, growing together, and extending hospitality.

FOLLOWING JESUS: Imagination for what God will do in the future anchors our work in the present. Jesus promised that he’ll make all things new in the New Creation which will include our relationship with God, each other, ourselves and the physical world.  We believe that future reality is the template for how we are to live now in every aspect of our lives.

GROWING TOGETHER: From welcoming little ones to coming alongside seniors in their later years, we recognize that faith formation requires intentionality and community. Alongside specific milestones in life, we seek to support faith for our children in Sunday School, our teens as they make their faith their own. We seek to support adults with messages that apply faith to all of life, and try to foster community that makes space for joys and sorrows in life.

EXTENDING HOSPITALITY: Our church’s cornerstone says, “The Lord has made room for us.” We recognize that this place is God’s gift to us and it moves us to extend that same welcome to others, and also experience God’s hospitality through others in a number of diverse ways on Sundays and throughout the week, in our church building and in the other places we find ourselves.

Our Sanctuary is open for in-person, intergenerational worship (Sundays at 10:30 a.m. followed by coffee / tea social). If you are feeling sick, we ask that you remain home and join us via our livestream until you are feeling healthy.

We hope to engage children in worship and community life however possible.  Part way into the Sunday service, we have nursery space available for parent use with young children, and Sunday School classes for children aged 3 to grade 5.

If you’re not able or ready to join us in person, please feel free to watch our worship services at  First CRC’s YouTube channel with a new service uploaded every Sunday.






“Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:21

As stewards of our finances, we encourage those in the First community, and we invite those who support First’s work for shalom in Vancouver, to contribute towards our budget.



As a part of the Christian Reformed Church, we are a Council-led congregation. Our Elders and Deacons serve as volunteers and oversee the overall work of our church, and discern the long-term vision & planning for our congregation. The elders oversee the spiritual care and faith formation practices in our community, and the deacons steward the work of mercy and justice in our congregation and neighbourhood. We also have a number of other committees and teams that make for some great collaborative work! 

Our current chair of council is Joel.

Email: chair@firstvan.ca

Trevor Vanderveen

Email: pastortrev@firstvan.ca

Since coming to serve as pastor at First CRC in 2007, I have sought to come alongside people in their big life moments and their day to day work of integrating their faith in Jesus with every part of their lives. I do most of the Sunday morning preaching, work with our staff and Council, visit with folks in our church & neighbourhood and would love to connect over a coffee or tea with you. I’m married to Julia and we have 3 sons and when I’m not here, I enjoy walking our dog around Trout Lake, reading a good novel, and following the ups and (mostly) downs of the Canucks.

Noah Stolte
Youth Director

Email: youth@firstvan.ca

I moved to Vancouver from Smithers, BC to learn music production in 2021 and have loved attending First CRC since then. I am now excited to join the staff as the Youth Director! I have been involved through volunteering with Youth since Fall 2022 but now as the Youth Director, I hope to use my gifts and ideas to bring a new perspective to the ministry and carry on making sure our youth feel loved and grow in their faith. I spend my free time in various aspects of music-making, watching hockey and seeing more of the natural beauty of Vancouver!






Anne Duifhuis
Congregational Admin Assistant / Finance Administrator

Email: office@firstvan.ca    treasurer@firstvan.ca

Working part-time admin for this congregation, as well as for Resonate, means that there is sometimes amazing overlap (chaos?) in my work. For the church my duties include completing the weekly e-newsletter, collecting parking money, bookkeeping and helping with volunteer scheduling. I also volunteer weekly with the Tea & Conversation for newcomers and belong to the singing small group. 

Caroline Short

Acting Children’s Ministry Director

Email: childrensministry@firstvan.ca

As acting Children’s Ministry Director, I support a fabulous team of volunteers who help our kids learn about God in Sunday School. Outside my role at First CRC, I create meaningful employment for adults with developmental disabilities. I am passionate about accessibility, meaningful inclusion, and social enterprises.

Ian Hailstones

Worship Director

Email: worship@firstvan.ca

Born and raised in Glasgow, Scotland, I moved to East Van in December 2023 to work on Mt Seymour as a ski instructor. I was very warmly welcomed by the First Van community when I arrived and everyone continues to be so lovely and generous. I’m really thrilled to be joining the team as Worship Director and am so excited for the opportunities it will afford for getting more involved with the life of congregation and utilising the many talents the folk here have been blessed with.

Ashita Batke


I joined the staff as a Custodian in 2007. I unlock and lock up the Church premises Sunday mornings; prepare the sanctuary for morning services; monitor the church premises during the service; and greet guests at the welcome table when needed. I enjoy visiting local interests; or small travels like Squamish and Whistler; movies;  with my family, and restaurant dining.


Carlos & Carmen Martinez


We have been at First CRC for over 25 years where we have been responsible for the cleaning and maintenance of the Church building. Our passion for helping others has come in many ways including Carlos’ volunteer work with the Chilean Cultural and Sporting Association which seeks to connect Chileans who recently moved to Vancouver with resources and support, enhance cultural awareness in the community and offer recreational activities. My family is priority. We have 4 kids, 16 grandchildren and 13 great-grandkids. We definitely feel very blessed.